Data used in our Research

We are proud to say that our testing is first attempt to test astrology at this scale. We decided to test each life effect with at least 500 birth-charts each. It is important that the data we use for testing is accurate and is collected without any bias.

Statistical test calculator stipulates that we need to have a minimum sample size of 661 (both groups together) to achieve a confidence level of 99% to test the difference in the two groups.

To meet this criterion, we provided birth information for 254 Group A cases having cancer and 498 Group B cases of people who lived for more than 80 years but never had cancer in their lifetime. Data on the people diagnosed with cancer were extracted from the Astrodatabank (Lois Rodden’s AstroDatabank). This database was filtered for the entries of Rodden rating AA (considered as most accurate entries) and date of birth after 1900. We had about 853 entries in that selection. We then went through the details of each entry in order to select people diagnosed with cancer before the age of 60. For Group B, we used a selection of ‘long life more than 80 years’ under ‘death’ category in Astrodatabank5 and further filtered data for cases who were never diagnosed with cancer. Group B cases are therefore individuals who have died for a variety of reasons, but not due to cancer or who have never had cancer in their lifetime.